jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


On this planet there are different types of people wich also have different thoughts, but they have very clear that respect is one of the most important values. There are shy in some cases but not in all, are usually very outgoing, when they have some crazy idea usually made without much thought so they are very impulsive. These people do not let other tell you what to do, usually do what they want . They live one day at a time, but nevertheless somewhat concerned about their future, but try not affect them.
Are people who hate hypocry, therefore they are very very honest people. Also do not like people who are shallow and only care about physical and material aspects. They are people who like to see the inner of a person and not just the physical and material things. They worry about the real feelings of a person. Are sensitive and always try to help each other, love to listen to others but also to listen to them. Have character and do not let other people with different thougths influence their decisions , have its own criteria.Have no problem showing their feelings openly. Are in love and struggle to find true love.
But there are not only good things there are also negative aspects. Often are paranoid because they are perfeccionist and when something goes wrong they can be confused much. Are often self-centred and very much proud.
The peolpe for this planet are similar to venusian because they care about their feelings and do not feel ashamed of expresing, and are similar to martians becasuse in some cases they are proud and i think that the people in mars do not like others to help them with their problems and that shows some pride.